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Male. Lives in Monterotondo, Italia. Born on 5 September, 1974.
About Me
Appassionato di macrofotografia
added new photos to his album "Farfalle"
Cedronella - Canon M6 Mark II - Oshiro 60mm macro
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added new photos to his album "Farfalle"
Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758) - comunemente nota come Aurora. Primo closeup del 2022. Canon M6 Mark II - 60mm macro - luce naturale
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Nebulosa NGC7293 ripresa con Evostar 72ED
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added new photo album "Deep sky"
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added new photos to his album "Farfalle"
Una coppia di Aporia crataegi fotografate con Canon M6 Mark II e obiettivo 60mm macro
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Papilio machaon - macaone fotografato con Canon M6 Mark II e Oshiro 60mm macro
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added new photos to his album "Farfalle"
Limenitis reducta fotografata con Canon M6 Mark II e Oshiro 60mm macro in luce naturale
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added new photos to his album "Farfalle"
Un bellissimo esemplare di Papilio lowi fotografato con 100mm macro
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added new photos to his album "Focus stacking"
Un ritratto di un minuscolo ragno fotografato con un rapporto di riproduzione di 10x con la tecnica del focus stacking
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